

Technical co-operation provided to government (and assistance to civil society organisations) to support and apply legislation designed to prevent the recruitment of child soldiers, and to demobilise, disarm, reintegrate, repatriate and resettle (DDR) child soldiers.

#tags and topics

#cofog0220 - Civil defence (CS)
#cofog0111 - Executive and legislative organs (CS)
#cofog0310 - Police services (CS)
#cofog0330 - Law courts (CS)
#cofog0210 - Military defence (CS)
#SDT087 - take immediate and effective measures to secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour
#SDT04a - build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, ..
#crc03 - Child as primary consideration in measures
#crc12 - Express views freely; due weight given; child heard in judicial & administrative proceedings
#crc15 - Freedom of association and peaceful assembly
#crc16 - No arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy
#crc20 - Care for a child deprived of his or her family environment
#crc26 - Right to benefit from social security
#crc27 - Standard of living adequate for the child's development
#crc32 - Protection of the child from economic exploitation
#crc34 - Protection of the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse
#crc36 - Protection of the child against all forms of exploitation
#crc38 - Armed conflicts; rules applicable to children
#crc39 - Physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim
#crc42-45 - Part II - Committee on the Rights of the Child
#crc06 - Right to life; survival and development
#crc02 - States Parties duties
#crc14 - Freedom of thought..., rights and duties of parents, certain limitations
#crc05 - Respect for the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents
#crc41 - Precedence of other law
#crc13 - Freedom of expression; certain restrictions
#icescr10 - protection and assistance for the family, mothers and all children
#iccpr24 - Article 24