See: ISIC Rev. 4 description of #isic1820 - Reproduction of recorded media (activity) (Ens Wiki) or Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government (Leanpub).

#tagcoding hashtag: #isic1820

UN Global Compact (@globalcompact) has produced a Blueprint for Business Leadership on the #SDGs. Use it to discover how your business can support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets.

Use #tagcoding hashtag #isic1820 to share voluntary stakeholder reports and other content about the sector's contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Discover #tagcoding about economic activities: the #tagcoding Handbook.

The Fringes

With a coding hashtag per economic activity, anyone can tag content about the activity, and share it via social media as explained at #tags in support of easy information retrieval (video on YouTube).

If you publish a website or blog, you can also include the coding hashtag in order for your page to show up in search for the coding hashtag.

Tagcoded content may be curated into further sections of the sector map, or in the sector map of a country social capital wiki. This is explained in the #tagcoding Handbook.