#cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- The function class
- #tagcoding for #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- Evaluating and improving #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- Resources
COFOG description of #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS) (function of government class) (Ens Dictionary).
#tagcoding hashtag: #cofog1040 |
- Collaborative planning for #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- Value orientations
- Gaps and diagnostics
- Guidelines
- Notes
A Collaborative Planning Methodology is (simple) repeatable process that can be used to improve the quality of a function of government.
Check the tabs for some possible questions and a format for documenting the collaborative planning for an improved function of government resulting from Awareness, capacity & care for #LocalizingSDGs.
- Comments
- Other classes of #COFOG10 - Social Protection
- Other COFOG divisions
- #tagcoding steb-by-step
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