Rio Principles
Sector: #cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992) established 27 principles intended to guide sustainable development around the world.
The Review of implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio Principles (January 2012) provides an assessment of the progress and gaps made in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio Principles. The traffic light translation of qualitative assessments yielded this scorecard (see ''Contents'' for topic of each principle):
Excellent progress/ fully achieved | Principles 21, 25, |
Good progress/ on target | Principles 18, 26, |
Limited progress/ far from target | Principles 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27, |
No progress or regression | Principles 2, 6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 20, |
- #rio01 - Human beings at the centre
- #rio02 - Sovereign rights of states
- #rio03 - Meet needs of present and future generation
- #rio04 - Environmental protection as integral part
- #rio05 - All shall cooperate on eradicating poverty
- #rio06 - Special priority for the least developed, most vulnerable
- #rio07 - Common but differentiated responsibilities
- #rio08 - Reduce & eliminate unsustainable patterns of production & consumption
- #rio09 - Cooperate to strengthen endogenous capacity-building
- #rio10 - Participation of all concerned citizens
- #rio11 - Environmental legislation and standards
- #rio12 - Cooperation; Trade policy; international consensus
- #rio13 - National and international law regarding liability and compensation
- #rio14 - Prevent the relocation and transfer of harmful activities and substances
- #rio15 - Precautionary approach when preventing environmental degradation
- #rio16 - The polluter should bear the cost of pollution
- #rio17 - Environmental impact assessment as a national instrument
- #rio18 - States notify other States of natural disasters or emergencies
- #rio19 - Notification and consultation in case of adverse transboundary environmental effect
- #rio20 - The full participation of women is essential
- #rio21 - Mobilize the creativity, ideals and courage of the youth
- #rio22 - Indigenous people and local communities have a vital role
- #rio23 - Protection of the environment and natural resources of oppressed people
- #rio24 - Protection of the environment in times of armed conflict
- #rio25 - Peace, development & environmental protection are interdependent & indivisible
- #rio26 - Peaceful resolution of environmental disputes
- #rio27 - Cooperation of states and people in the fulfilment of the principles
For an easy-to-navigate overview of the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs), see Sustainable Development Goals and Targets.
That the Sustainable Development Goals must respect all Rio Principles is stated at the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform page on the goals.
Jan Goossenaerts
There is a question in the Google+ community on MDG Post-2015.
Jan Goossenaerts