National Statistical System
For country profiles, key features, best practices and a handbook, see:
Links to the National Statistical System (there is also a list at the website of the UN Statistics Division) is also included in the Country Actor Maps (General Public Services, COFOG 1.3).
National Statistics Organisations
- Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina - #cofog0132BA @BHAS_Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics - #cofog0132AU @ABSStats
- Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) - #cofog0132ID @bps_statistics
- Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) - #cofog0132US @BEA_News
- Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - #cofog0132US @BJSgov
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (BJS) - #cofog0132US @BLS_gov
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) - #cofog0132US @TransportStats
- Cayman Economics & Statistics (ESO) - #cofog0132 @CaymanESO
- CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) - #cofog0132 @NCHStats
- Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek ( Netherlands- #cofog0132NL @statisticscbs
- Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) - #cofog0132EG @CAPMAS_EG
- Central Informatics Organization الجهاز المركزي للمعلومات - مملكة البحرين (CIO) - #cofog0132BH @CIO_Bahrain
- Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) Kuwait الإدارة المركزية للإحصاء - دولة الكويت #cofog0132KW @CSBkw
- Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia - #cofog0132LV @CSB_Latvia
- Central Statistics Office (CSO) Statistics - #cofog0132IE @CSOIreland
- Česky Statistického Uřadu (CSU) - #cofog0132CZ @statistickyurad
- Cyprus Statistics - #cofog0132CY @CYSTAT_EN
- Danmarks Statistik - #cofog0132DK @DSTdk
- Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) Colombia - #cofog0132CO @DANE_Colombia
- Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) - #cofog0132LK @LankaSTAT
- Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) - #cofog0132MY @StatsMalaysia
- Destatis news - #cofog0132DE @destatis_news
- Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) - #cofog0132US @ESAstats
- El Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) Perú - #cofog0132PE @INEI_oficial
- Federal Competitivness and Statistics Authority (FCSA) - #cofog0132AE @FCSAUAE
- Govern d'Andorra Departament d'Estadística - #cofog0132 @estadistica_ad
- Government of Monaco - #cofog0132 @GovMonaco
- Government Statistical Service (GSS) - #cofog0132GB @UKGSS
- Haut-Commissariat au Plan du Maroc (HCP) - #cofog0132MA @hcpmaroc
- Hellenic Statistical Authority - #cofog0132GR @StatisticsGR
- Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) - #cofog0132HU @StatsHungary
- INE Honduras - #cofog0132HN @INE_Honduras
- Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT) - #cofog0132ML @INSTAT_MALI
- Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) - #cofog0132BR @ibgecomunica
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Bolivia (INE) - #cofog0132BO @INEOficialBO
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE) - #cofog0132ES @es_INE
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (INE) - #cofog0132VE @INEVenezuela
- Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) Guatemala - #cofog0132GT @INE_Guatemala
- Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile (INE) - #cofog0132CL @INE_Chile
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos de la República Argentina (INDEC) - #cofog0132AR @INDECArgentina
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos de la República de Costa Rica (INEC) - #cofog0132CR @INECCR
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC) - #cofog0132EC @Ecuadorencifras
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI ) - #cofog0132MX @INEGI_INFORMA
- Italian National Institute of Statistics - #cofog0132IT @istat_en
- Lietuvos Statistikos Departamentas - #cofog0132LT @StatistikosD
- Maldives Census - #cofog0132MV @censusmaldives
- Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics (MDPS) - #cofog0132QA @MDPSqatar
- Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) - #cofog0132 @MFEM_CookIs
- Ministry of Planning and Development T&T - #cofog0132TT @minofplanning
- Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) - #cofog0132NA @namstatsagency
- National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - #cofog0132NG @nigerianstat
- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - #cofog0132 @EdNCES
- National Center for Statistics المركزالوطني للإحصاء - #cofog0132OM @NCSIOman
- Nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie (ANSD) - #cofog0132SN @statsenegal
- National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) - #cofog0132FR @InseeFr_News
- National Institute of Statistics (INS) - #cofog0132RO @ro_statistics
- National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) - #cofog0132RW @statisticsRW
- Office for National Statistics, UK (ONS) - #cofog0132GB @ONS
- Oficina Nacional de Estadística (ONE) - #cofog0132DO @ONERD_
- Pacific Regional Statistics & Data Dissemination - #cofog0132 @prismstats
- Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) - #cofog0132PK @PakStat
- Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) - #cofog0132 @PCBSPalestine
- Papua New Guinea Statistics - #cofog0132PG @pngstats
- Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) - #cofog0132PH @PSAgovph
- Republican Bureau of Statistics (Републички завод за статистику) Serbia - #cofog0132RS @StatistikaSrb
- Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics - #cofog0132BA @rsstatistika
- Samoa Statistics - #cofog0132WS @Samoa_Statistic
- Slovene Statistical Office (SURS) - #cofog0132SI @StatSlovenia
- State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia - #cofog0132MK @MakStatEN
- Statistica Moldovei - #cofog0132MD @statisticamd
- Statistics Authority هيئة الإحصاء - #cofog0132SA @Stats_Saudi
- Statistics Belgium - #cofog0132BE @Statbel_en
- Statistics Botswana - #cofog0132BW @StatisticsBots1
- Statistics Canada - #cofog0132CA @StatCan_eng
- Statistics Croatia - #cofog0132HR @statcroatia
- Statistics Finland - #cofog0132FI @StatsFinland
- Statistics Korea 대한민국 통계청 - #cofog0132KR @KOSTATIN
- Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) - #cofog0132ZA @StatsSA
- Statistics Sweden - #cofog0132SE @StatsSweden
- Statistikaamet - #cofog0132EE @eestistatistika
- Statistik Austria - #cofog0132AT @STATISTIK_AT
- Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) - #cofog0132NO @ssbnytt
- Stats NZ - #cofog0132NZ @Stats_NZ
- St. Helena Government - #cofog0132 @StHelenaGovt
- Swiss Statistics - #cofog0132CH @swissstatistics
- Tonga Statistics - #cofog0132TO @tonga_stats
- Turkish Statistical Institute - #cofog0132TR @TurkStat
- Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) - #cofog0132UG @StatisticsUg
- UK Statistics Authority - #cofog0132GB @UKStatsAuth
- United States Census Bureau - #cofog0132US @uscensusbureau
- United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (USDA) - #cofog0132US @USDA_ERS
- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - #cofog0132US @EIAgov
- Vanuatu Statistics - #cofog0132VU @vnso_stats
- Бөмбөрцгийн жиргээч - #cofog0132MN @Purevjav_mn
- Росстат - #cofog0132RU @rosstatistika
#cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
The Fringes
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