#SDG5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
sdg4 | sdg5 | sdg6 |
Tag cloud for sustainable development targets
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Partnerships for this goal
For partnerships engagements and initiatives towards this goal, check the United Nations Partnerships for SDGs platform: engagements for Goal (. The registration of initiatives is ongoing.
Which functions of government?
- #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- #cofog1070 - Social exclusion n.e.c. (IS)
- #cofog0840 - Religious and other community services (CS)
Which economic activities ?
Goal 5 - SDG5 in eight languages
#SDG5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
- #SDG5 - ئيق املساواة ةال اجلنسال وتنال كل النساء والفتيال
- #SDG5 - 实现性别平等,增强所有妇女和女童的权能
- #SDG5 - Gerechtigkeit zwischen den Geschlechtern zu erreichen und alle Frauen und Mädchen zu ermächtigen
- #ods5 - Lograr la igualdad entre los géneros y el empoderamiento de todas las mujeres y niñas
- #SDG5 - Réaliser l’égalité des sexes et autonomiser toutes les femmes et les filles
- #SDG5 - ジェンダー平等を達成し、すべての女性および女子のエンパワーメントを行う
- #SDG5 - Обеспечение гендерного равенства и расширение прав и возмож-ностей всех женщин и девочек
Under this goal the following sustainable development targets are defined:
Targets relating to the economic aspects of gender equality and women's empowerment that have been proposed include:
A target that could strengthen the environmental dimension in this goal is:
Source: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Integration: Achieving a better balance between the economic, social and environmental dimensions (January 20, 2015).
Jan Goossenaerts
Targets that could strengthen the economic dimensions of this goal, but are included under other goals are:
Source: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Integration: Achieving a better balance between the economic, social and environmental dimensions (January 20, 2015).
Jan Goossenaerts