Target with #tagcoding hashtag

Sustainable Development Target 05.6 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the ICPD and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences
#tagcoding hashtag: #sdt056

How to achieve? Where is action needed?

For open data regarding this target see #SDG5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Several articles of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda or the New Urban Agenda describe possible initiatives. If these articles are not listed here, then look them up via Search the Actor Atlas using one or more of these terms icpd reproductive-health sexual-health.

If you have questions, needs, ideas, answers, comments about "achieving this target near you" we recommend you to use also your neighbourhood's #WWlgu #tagcoding hashtag which can be found via Your community leading sustainable development? #WWlgu for #LocalizingSDGs.


In other languages

Spanish: #sdt056 - Asegurar el acceso universal a la salud sexual y reproductiva y los derechos reproductivos según lo acordado
French: #sdt056 - Assurer l’accès de tous aux soins de santé sexuelle et procréative et faire en sorte que chacun puisse exercer ses ...
Russian: #sdt056 - Обеспечить всеобщий доступ к услугам в области охраны сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья и к реализации ...
Chinese: #sdt056 - 根据《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》、《北京行动纲领》及其历次审查会议的成果文件,确保普遍享有性和生殖健康以及生殖权利
Arabic: #sdt056 - امان حصول الجميع عل خدمات الصحة الجنسية واة ا ية وعل اةقوق اة ا ية، عل النحو المتفق عليه و قا لبرنامج عمل المر ر ...

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