Target with #tagcoding hashtag
Sustainable Development Target 07.1 by 2030 ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services |
#tagcoding hashtag: #sdt071 |
How to achieve? Where is action needed?
For open data regarding this target see #SDG7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
Several articles of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda or the New Urban Agenda describe possible initiatives. If these articles are not listed here, then look them up via Search the Actor Atlas using one or more of these terms affordable-energy modern-energy reliable-energy.
If you have questions, needs, ideas, answers, comments about "achieving this target near you" we recommend you to use also your neighbourhood's #WWlgu #tagcoding hashtag which can be found via Your community leading sustainable development? #WWlgu for #LocalizingSDGs.
In other languages
Spanish: #sdt071 - garantizar el acceso universal a servicios energéticos asequibles, fiables y modernos
French: #sdt071 - Garantir l’accès de tous à des services énergétiques fiables et modernes, à un coût abordable
Russian: #sdt071 - К 2030 году обеспечить всеобщий доступ к недорогому, надежному и современному энергоснабжению
Chinese: #sdt071 - 到2030年,确保人人都能获得负担得起的、可靠的现代能源服务
Arabic: #sdt071 - امان حصول الجميع تكلفة ميسورة عل خدمات الطاقة اةديثة الموثوقة بحلول عام 2030
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Other targets of #SDG7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all:
- #SDT071 - by 2030 ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services
- #SDT072 - increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030
- #SDT073 - double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030
- #SDT07a - by 2030 enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technologies, ...
- #SDT07b - by 2030 expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all