Target with #tagcoding hashtag

By 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the Global Jobs Pact of the International Labour Organization

Sustainable Development Target 08.b by 2020 develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the ILO Global Jobs Pact

#tagcoding hashtag: #sdt08b

How to achieve? Where is action needed?

For open data regarding this target see #SDG8 - Promote sustained, inclusive & sustainable economic growth, full & productive employment & decent work for all.

Several articles of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda or the New Urban Agenda describe possible initiatives. If these articles are not listed here, then look them up via Search the Actor Atlas using one or more of these terms global-jobs-pact global-strategy international-labour-organization youth-employment.

A starter: #aaaa16 - Full and productive employment and decent work for all; promoting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

If you have questions, needs, ideas, answers, comments about "achieving this target near you" we recommend you to use also your neighbourhood's #WWlgu #tagcoding hashtag which can be found via Your community leading sustainable development? #WWlgu for #LocalizingSDGs.


In other languages

Spanish: #sdt08b - desarrollar y poner en marcha una estrategia mundial para el empleo de los jóvenes y aplicar el Pacto Mundial
French: #sdt08b - Elaborer et mettre en œuvre une stratégie mondiale en faveur de l’emploi des jeunes et appliquer le Pacte mondial ....
Russian: #sdt08b - К 2020 году разработать и ввести в действие глобальную стратегию обеспечения занятости молодежи и осуществить ...
Chinese: #sdt08b - 到2020年,拟定和实施青年就业全球战略,并执行国际劳工组织的《全球就业契约》
Arabic: #sdt08b - ب واع وتفعيل استراتيجية عالمية لتشايل الشباب وتنفيذ الميثاق العالم لتو لأ ر - العمل الصادر عن منظمة العمل الدولية بحلو

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