Target with #tagcoding hashtag

Sustainable Development Target 11.3 by 2030 enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacities for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries
#tagcoding hashtag: #sdt113

How to achieve? Where is action needed?

For open data regarding this target see #SDG11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Several articles of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda or the New Urban Agenda describe possible initiatives. If these articles are not listed here, then look them up via Search the Actor Atlas using one or more of these terms human-management human-planning human-settlement urbanization.

If you have questions, needs, ideas, answers, comments about "achieving this target near you" we recommend you to use also your neighbourhood's #WWlgu #tagcoding hashtag which can be found via Your community leading sustainable development? #WWlgu for #LocalizingSDGs.


In other languages

Spanish: #sdt113 - Aumentar la urbanización inclusiva y sostenible y la capacidad para la planificación y la gestión participativas
French: #sdt113 - Renforcer l’urbanisation durable pour tous et les capacités de planification et de gestion participatives, ...
Russian: #sdt113 - К 2030 году расширить масштабы открытой для всех и экологически устойчивой урбанизации и возможности ...
Chinese: #sdt113 - 到2030年,在所有国家加强包容和可持续的城市建设,加强参与性、综合性、可持续的人类住区规划和管理能力
Arabic: #sdt113 - تعزيز التوسع اةضر الشامل للجميع والمستدام، والقدرة عل تخطي وإدارة المستو نات البشرية في جميع البلدان عل رو قالأم ...

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